American Legion Post 30 Installs New Officers for 2024-2025
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American Legion Post 30 held its monthly meeting on June 20, 2024, during which the installation of the 2024-2025 Post Officers took place. This installation ceremony is a significant event in the American Legion, marking the transition of leadership and the continuation of the post's mission.
The ceremony was presided over by American Legion Department of South Carolina District 17 Commander Jerome Childs. Outgoing Post 30 Commander Tommy Tripp opened the meeting, and after the posting of the colors, recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and the American Legion Preamble, he handed over the proceedings to Commander Childs.
Commander Tommy Tripp and Adjutant Jane Doolittle
District 17 Commander Jerome Childs addressing the Post 30 legionnaires.
Before conducting the installation ceremony, Commander Childs provided an update from the American Legion Department of South Carolina spring conference held in May. Following the update, he called the new officers forward to administer the oath of office. Commander Childs conducted the ceremony, ensuring that each officer was duly sworn in and ready to assume their responsibilities for the upcoming year. He reminded the officers of their obligation to show loyalty to their post, its members, the Department of South Carolina, and the American Legion.
Before conducting the installation ceremony, Commander Childs provided an update from the American Legion Department of South Carolina spring conference held in May. Following the update, he called the new officers forward to administer the oath of office. Commander Childs conducted the ceremony, ensuring that each officer was duly sworn in and ready to assume their responsibilities for the upcoming year. He reminded the officers of their obligation to show loyalty to their post, its members, the Department of South Carolina, and the American Legion.
The new officers for the 2024-2025 are:
- Commander: Winston Boddie
- Vice Commander: Tommy Tripp
- Adjutant: Jane Doolittle
- Treasurer: Doug Timmerman
- Sergeant at Arms: Charles Ashley
- Chaplain: William Beaver
- Historian: Suzy Spurgeon
- Trustees: Roger Ellis, Alan Perano, and Luther Beason
District Commander Jerome Childs installing the 2024-2025 Post 30 Officers
Outgoing Commander Tommy Tripp congratulating incoming Commander Winston Boddie
This ceremony not only marks a new chapter in Post 30's leadership but also reinforces the organization's enduring commitment to serving veterans and the Edgefield community.